Monday, February 23, 2009

Pictures and Poison control

Well all my kids have been sick with bronchitis but calan has been the worst the past couple days. He is usually such a happy baby but has been soooo fussy. I can't wait to have my happy guy back! Yesterday my friend Marianna called and asked if i could bring the babies down to have their pictures taken (Marianna works at the wal mart picture center in American Fork) because she had no appts that day and was bored. I told her I would take Alissa cause she was the only one that was feeling a little better. Well I ended up taking Calan with me too because he was so fussy and Randy didn't think he would be able to handle him because all he wanted was his mommy. Alissa did such a good job and totally ate it up! We decided to snap a couple shots of Calan too but they didn't turn out like I'd hoped but still pretty good for someone with a fever! Here are some of the ones we took.
I also need to add to the list of things Alissa has ingested. For those of you who don't know, Alissa eats everything and anything and we have taken a couple of trips to the er for all the things she has eaten. I have had to call poison control quite a few times so last night when she ingested something she wasn't suppose to I decided not to call and not to take her to the er but instead just to keep a close eye on her. Only because I didn't want to have to put her through all the needle poking and blood drawing again! so here we go with the list of things the #1 is what she did last night.
1. drank hairspray!!! ya it has alcohol in it but she acted normal!
2. opened and drank a bottle of Motrin
3. drank bleach
4. chewed on and ate a glass Christmas ornament
5. crayons and marker tips
6. paper
7. drank toilet water
8. oh ya she loves dirt!
9. jalapeno pepper
10. soap
Those are just the 10 worst! I can think of a lot more and for those of you who don't know Alissa very well you don't know how mischievous she is and when you turn your back on her for 2 SECONDS she is into something. I swear she doesn't have taste buds! I try my hardest to keep an eye on her but with 4 kids it's hard and I promise I am not a bad mom Alissa is just hard!
oh and I can't figure out how to get my pictures in a row instead of how they are now. I am new to this so if you know how to do it then let me know. thanks!


  1. Is this Amy Sorenson from PG? The one I used to play softball with? I hope so! Good to hear from you. Stay in touch!

  2. Wow Amy! Your babies are so cute! Your little girl looks just like you too! Great pictures!

  3. you are such a good mom! i think that some kids just get into everything and are mischevious by nature. you do have your hands really full!

  4. Oh my goodness! How do you keep your sanity? I couldn't imagine having to deal with one of my kids ingesting so much scary stuff! You are a great mom! Do you have poison control on speed dial? lol
