Friday, February 20, 2009

First entry

ok so everyone has a blog so I thought I should try one too. I'm just not that creative so lets see how this will go. Alissa and Damien are sick today so we are not going anywhere, just sitting at home hanging out. I am kind of worried about Damien because he has a lot of history with pneumonia and he isn't sounding that great. his cough is horrible and once he gets started he cant stop. he coughs until he pukes. hopefully the antibiotics the doc gave him will start to work soon! poor guy!
Calan is getting so big! this is my favorite age! I thinks its because their personalities really begin to show but they are still sweet and innocent. He just cracks me up everyday. Me and Randy both think he is going to be a comedian because he loves to make ya laugh! Alissa just thinks she is his little mommy! he fell down yesterday and she went running to him helping him up saying "you ok? you ok?" it was so cute it made me want to cry!
Bailee is doing better in school. he was having some anxiety about a lot of things but we started sending him to school with a cell phone and is doing much better. he is such a smart kid he just needs to have more confidence in himself! he is going to start competitive baseball this year and we are all excited about that! so I will let ya know how that goes. The draft for it is march 11 or something like that.
well I think i am going to take the kids outside to blow some bubbles and enjoy this warm weather because I know it probably wont last! cya for now.


  1. Hi Amy =) welcome to the blogging world! Look forward to reading up on your family. You can check out our blog at


  2. Well welcome to the bloggin' world cuz! :)

  3. YAY! I am so excited that you have a blog!! Wahoo!
