Thursday, June 18, 2009

my big boy!!!

I just had to put some pictures up of Bailee and his team after a game. His team is all 7 year olds and he is the biggest by far! he is #1 in the very back of the line. he is almost a foot taller than anyone his age! its crazy to me! hes a giant but in a good way! so here are those pictures...

His baseball season in almost over and that makes me sad! I have enjoyed watching him and he has sure learned a lot and had so much fun doing it! like I said his whole team is 7 year olds and the other 14 teams in the league are made up of all 8 and 9 year old with only a couple 7 year olds on each team. so we definitely had an unfair advantage but ended up taking 10Th place all season out of 15 which isn't bad considering they were all 7! We are in the tournament right now which is double elimination and have already lost our first game on Tue. but it was sooo close! they only lost by 1! and I got a picture of Bailee catching a foul ball and getting an out! hes such a stud! so his next tournament game is tonight and if they loose this they are out of it for the season, if they win they have a chance of getting a trophy in the consolation bracket! so we will see how that goes! I get so nervous watching him, like I used to get nervous when I played!! Damien is really good also and has so much potential to go far with baseball! and he loves it I think more than Bailee! he is half way through his T-ball season and I will be sad when that is over also, I don't know what I will do with myself, I guess just watch my little brother play who plays for pg high. I love my boys so much and are so proud of them and can't wait to see what they do with their talents! They eat sleep and breath baseball and do it all on their own! I haven't had to push them into anything but am really happy that they love it as much as I do!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Moving, baseball and potty training!!

My kids can't get enough of the sunshine!

This is my niece Oaklee and her little sister Ellery!

To start off, last week I started watching my brothers 2 little girls 4 days a week. Oaklee is 5 and Ellery is about 3 months old. My sister in law had to go back to work from maternity leave and so I have taken the responsibility to watch them while they work and absolutely love it! I love spending the time with my beautiful nieces while also helping out my brother! the kids have had fun swimming and playing together and I think its important for my kids to play with their cousins. Bailee is finally out of school for the summer and I couldn't be happier! I really need the break and so does he! He has been playing baseball this year in a machine pitch league and he loves it! it is so fun to go watch him play and to see the big smile on his face. He is so naturally talented its not even funny! I think next year though i am going to put him in an accelerated traveling league. he only has a few weeks of games left and I'm sure he will miss it when its over. I know I will! At least there is fall soccer soon to come for him! Damien's first t-ball game is tomorrow and he couldn't be more excited! he has been on a count down to it ever since i signed him up for it 2 months ago! I can't wait to see him play and grow in this sport as well! Another thing keeping me busy is moving. We are moving to orem/lindon area tomorrow and I am not even all packed and ready! I am sad to leave this neighborhood but also happy because it is closer to my mom and brother. In other news is My 2 year old daughter Alissa just decided one day to potty train herself! A few weeks ago she came up to me and said she had to go potty and I took her to the bathroom and she went. Ever since then she has only had a couple accidents and refuses to wear diapers, even at night! its just crazy to me because my mom always told me that girls are easier to potty train and I didn't believe her until this happened! its totally true!!! I am so proud of my little princess! 3 down and 1 to go! I can't wait until my last one is out of diapers!!! So between babysitting, baseball, moving and potty training you can say I am pretty busy! and it will all be over just in time for randy to go out of town again for a couple weeks. I just can't wait until I am all moved and settled and can breath easy!
One last thing, I am SO excited for my sister in law chelsi to have her baby boy! she is due any day and cant wait to meet him! so if you can read this cruise come out, we're ready for ya!